Friday, June 01, 2007

An Excellent Gift

I finally finished the homework from my week-long theology course! I seriously had already made my mental plans for moving home with my mother when I failed the course. Three weeks is not much to finish a whole semester's worth of reading, exam, Scripture memory and papers. How am I still cognizant? My boss let me off of work a half day...he gave me grace. BUT it was after he asked me how my weekend was. I told him I cried. Yup. The crying girl card. I pulled it, but not crying in front of him. And I really did cry. And it takes a lot to make me cry. Does that justify my using the crying girl card?

Friends, I'm moving again. The house I'm living in is selling, and I could use your prayer as I find a new place to live by July 15. The Lord has had me moving every year for the past three years. God has me on the move. The Lord is working in me and around me. I'm learning to rejoice in difficulty, but mostly by seeing how horrible I am at it. This is small potatoes. Living life with Him...that's the good stuff!

On June 12 we kick off our international college women's Bible study. I am teaching that night on the prostitute who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and hair. I've been consumed by school work, but am continuing my dive into the Scripture. Content is my focus. If you know me, you know how I confuse when trying to verbalize. So let's pray that the women will know it is the power of God reaching out to them, becausee the woman who will be before them (me) is simply a woman...doing the best she can to glorify her Lord and Savior.

The excellent gift from the's Him. I'm house/dog sitting out in the secluded countryside. Silence. No TV or radio. No internet (came home to turn in my last paper on-line). After this week and the worries about finding a new home, honoring my church's scholarship by doing well in class, progressing in the plans for the summer study, and preparing our rental house for showings...I need to fall into the arms of Jesus. So don't look for me. I'm right where I need to be, all alone with Him for a while. He is an EXCELLENT gift.

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