Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Really BIG Little Moments - Joshua 5

To the ladies of Route 56.

Sometimes a little moment is so BIG that you enter into it carefully. Respectfully. Almost fearfully. You approach. Take a breath. Walk away--but not completely. Pause. If you're in, you're all in. Time to reapproach....and dive in. Let the moment swallow you whole. You know the cost, but the value of what's ahead is even greater. This is a really BIG little moment.

I can't help but wonder if the Israelites in Joshua 5 understood the bigness of their little moment after crossing the Jordan River. This is a new generation! Why not storm ahead into the Promised Land and take what God has given?!

But God didn't choose to display his magnitude in this moment by physical might or zeal. Instead, he humbled Israel to a place of remembrance and dependence. An unclean, foreign prostitute (Rahab) enabled them to spy out the land safely. The Ark of the Covenant, held by priests - not valiant soldiers, led them across the flooded Jordan River into their new homeland. Once across, the mighty men were weakened by circumcision and healing.

They needed to be weakened. The generation before them, unbelieving in God's ability to accomplish what He promised Abraham (Gen. 12, 15), failed to circumcise their children. This new generation taking hold of the Promised Land did not have the sign of the covenant God required. Their hearts had been prepared by growing up as wanderers in the desert, but they needed to be circumcised according to God's command. A new generation needs to look back in order to remember the how and where ahead of them.

These few chapters hinge Israelite history: the expectation of the past is connected to the realization of God's promise. To grasp the overwhelming success of God's plan, Israel must connect their hands and their hearts together. Faith and action are to be wed. That's what's happening in this moment. And God confirms His pleasure with their action (circumcision) by revealing that His angelic army are present and ready to fight alongside them. The angel raises His sword, a hand and heart in unison.

So, what about you? Can you see what God may be calling your generation to do, connecting your hearts and hands together?

Our really BIG little moment is now. What are you going to do with it?

(c) 2010 by Kendra Hinkle.

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