Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Anatomy of a Wave

Dedicated to the Passion movement (www.268generation.com)
"The wave is growing into a global awakening."

They lull the trusting to sleep with an ebbing, reassuring roar. They refresh the playful, inspiring splashes of energy and movement. They humble the watchful by their ability to change the face of the earth. Who has not known the powerful and graceful impact of a wave?

Had I not been enlightened with the anatomy of a wave, I would have accredited the swell its own honor. Yet, diving below the surface of the deep, I have come to realize the necessity of the wind and the individual water molecules in shaping coastlines – the boundaries of nations.

A wave looks like it is moving from one place to another, but it is not. Rather than a team of molecules moving independently over the surface of the still ocean, a wave is the result of shared movement. It begins when the wind disturbs the surface of the water, causing individual molecules to move in vertical circles. The molecule circulates in an up and down motion in its own “neighborhood.” That excited molecule then affects neighboring molecules, who dance in the same vertical pattern. Energy is passed from one molecule to the next, slowly building into a wave that represents the energy of a whole, unified movement being driven by the breath of the wind. Molecules are passing their energy along, instead of traveling along with the wave.

As a wave approaches the shoreline, the energy is not absorbed any longer in the deep. It roars with power and spills over onto the nations’ boundaries, transferring its energy and shaping what seemed immovable. By these faithful movements of waves, mountains bow their knees and become beaches. What seemed impossible to move is actually being transformed by the work of many individual water molecules in motion.

The power of a wave is in the cumulative effect of its individual particles.


The wave is growing into a global awakening, driven by the Spirit of God and according to His trustworthy Word. And gaining momentum by the movement of many individuals who are willing to affect those around them. Even powerfully changing the boundaries of the nations and moving mountains to their knees.

Written by Kendra Hinkle, 2007. Wave information accumulated through random findings, discussions, and thoughts over the past year, and through a diagram burned into my memory from who knows where.

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