Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On the Holy Spirit (Poem 1.1.3. De Spiritu Sancto)

an excerpt by Gregory Nazianzus

He was a man, but God. David’s offspring, but Adam’s Maker.

A bearer of flesh, but, even so, beyond all body.

From a mother, but she a virgin.

Comprehensible, but immeasurable.

And a manger received him, while a star led the Magi,

who so came bearing gifts, and fell on bended knee.

As a man he entered the arena, but he prevailed, as indomitable,

over the tempter in three bouts.

Food was set before him, but he fed thousands, and changed the water into wine.

He got baptized, but he washed sins clean,

but he was proclaimed by the Spirit, in a voice of thunder, to be the Son of the One


As a man he took rest, and as God he put to rest the sea.

His knees were wearied, but he bolstered the strength and knees of the lame.

He prayed, but who was it who heard the petitions of the feeble?

He was the sacrifice, but the high priest: making an offering, but himself God.

He dedicated his blood to God, and cleansed the entire world.

And a cross carried him up, while the bolts nailed fast sin.

But what’s it for me to say these things? He had company with the dead,

But he rose from the dead, and the dead, the bygone, he raised up:

There a mortal’s poverty, here the incorporeal’s wealth.

Don’t you dishonor, then, his divinity on account of his human things,

but, for the divine’s sake, hold in renown the earthly form

into which, thougthful towards you, he formed himself, the incorruptible Son.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Those Scandalous Christians!

"It is interesting to find that outside of the New Testament, the earliest response to singing among the Christians comes not from one of their own number, but from a Roman official. In the year 109 A.D., during the reign of the Emperor Trajan, and not long after the death of the Apostle John, Pliny the Younger was appointed governor of the province of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his first reports he told the emperor of his contact with the curious sect of the Christians, and of how he had been solemnly assured that their worst offense was in gathering before dawn on an appointed day--no doubt Sunday--to sing in responsive fashion hymns to Christ as God."

by Edward S. Ninde, D.D. in Nineteen Centuries of Christian Song (MCMXXXVIII)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Garden - week 3

This is one of our square foot garden boxes. We've also got a "Three Sisters" mound. Everything except the cantaloupe is growing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

With God as Your Reward

Rise up and take your place.
God is your great reward.
No one will ever satisfy
Like Him who make you whole.

He called you in the night
And spoke to your deaf ears.
Christ so worthy redeemed your soul,
Restored the locust's years.

To whom now do you turn?
Has one man loved you more
Than He who set your life ablaze
Amid the winter storm?

How far has he removed
Your punishment from you.
How purely white you have been cleansed
And washed with grace anew.

Rise, O, rise, child of God
To take your place and lead
A faithful generation home
With God the one you please.

(c) 2010 by Kendra Hinkle.

Definitely has some rough spots....not my favorite....but rewarding to write.

Love and Justice

God's justice satisfied at last
On Christ the Son wrath poured.
God's perfect love and just demand
Reveal His nature pure.

He raised from Adam's curse of death
Our everlasting King.
Almighty God in grace procured
A righteous gathering.

Through faith desire commenced within
Now our affections rise.
Completed He what we could not
And opened blinded eyes.

All hail the King of wondrous works
Whose body bears the scars.
True love's sacrificial gift
And heaven's full reward.

(c) 2010 by Kendra Hinkle.