Friday, September 19, 2008

Candy Corn Diet & Worship Quote

I have found the perfect diet! A few days ago I ate my weight in candy corn, and it eradicated my appetite for the next 12 hours. I lowered the quantity for the next day, and it did the same thing. Who knew candy corn could be an appetite suppressant?! 

While I am talking about nothing in particular, a new phenomenon has developed as I fall asleep at night. I dream about puppies. Golden retriever puppies. Black lab puppies. Cocker spaniel puppies. Beagle puppies. What is that about?

Worship quote (paraphrase) for the week:
"God is not interested in our innovations to worship... Biblical worship does not ask, What represents our culture best? Biblical worship asks, What best represents who our God is?

by Dr. James Allman
Dallas Theological Seminary, BE 103, Fall 2008

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Friend from China

A former student from China came to visit. My boss & his family hosted her, and we had lots of Texas fun! Baking chocolate chip cookies was one of her favorite memories.